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Smart Pick

Current Picks
Results for Week
Most Improved
Player Info
Teams Picked

Vegas Spreads
Yahoo! Spreads

* PAY *
Paypal $10

Below are the rules for the NFL Winners pool.

Rules of the Game

  • Each week you must pick ONE team that you think will WIN.
  • You can only select a team ONCE and only once during the season (i.e. If you pick the Patriots in Week 1, you cannot pick them again for the rest of the season).
  • Every FOURTH WEEK you must submit TWO (2) winning picks. So, in weeks 4, 8, 12, and 16, you will send in two winning picks.
  • Week 17 will also require TWO (2) winning picks. This puts the total picks for the pool at 22. This still gives you 10 teams that you don't have to pick the entire year since there are 32 teams in the NFL. The goal of the double pick weeks is to keep more people in the hunt for money spots since everyone is submitting four unique picks over the final two weeks of the season (16 & 17).

Submitting your Weekly Pick

  • You must submit your pick to me each week by 3pm Thursday, so I have time update my records and publish everyone's picks on Friday.
  • I WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE PICKS this year. With the increased number of players, I don't have the time to chase people down for their late pick(s). If each person is late once throughout the year (which is about the overall avearge) that is 80+ extra individual emails that I have to send out and follow-up on. I send at least 2 email reminders out throuhgout the week to remind you -- that should be sufficient and is all you are going to get this year.
  • The Smart Pick page allows you to quickly select your pick online. The dropdown list will display your available teams for selection. It will send both me and you a confirmation of the team(s) you selected for the week.

Rewards for Winning

  • The WINNER is the person who has the MOST wins at the end of the season.
  • To prevent a tie, a TIEBREAKER will be used during the last week between the contenders for first and second place. The contenders must pick an additional three teams that they have not picked before. These teams will be ranked by the contenders in order of confidence. So, if Player 1 gets his first team correct and his 2nd and 3rd incorrect while Player 2 gets his first team incorrect and 2nd and 3rd correct, Player 1 would win because he got his first pick correct and Player 2 did not.
  • The COST is $10 for the entire season. I know where you live, don't make me hunt you down.
  • The WINNER will receive 80% of the pot (less the $40 for Most Improved).
  • The RUNNER-UP will receive 20% of the pot (less the $40 for Most Improved).
  • The MOST IMPROVED will receive $40 from the pot
  • If you are mathmatically eliminated from contention near the end of the season, please continue to send in your weekly pick until the seaon is over. You don't want to be last, do you?
  • As the ADMINISTRATOR, I do not have to pay the entry fee.
  • Everyone's weekly picks and season stats will be posted at WWW.CHEECH.ORG/FOOTBALL.
  • As always, I will always make the FINAL DECISION on any discrepancies in the rules or on any rules that I may have overlooked. And, no, I do not accept bribes.
  • Please SEND YOUR MONEY as soon as possible to me at: 189 Tennyson Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189
  • If you would like to use PayPal to pay your entry fee. Please choose the 'Sending to a friend' option.
  • Please let me know if you have any questions. Email me at